Billy von Raven
Art - BFA
still number 318 in a stop motion painting of a pandemic, 2020, acrylic, 24 x 34 inches
I perceive each sound I hear as music, part of a score that is organized and curated by attention. The attempt to understand culturally learned organization of environmental experiences informs my art practice, which explores the power differentials of space, access, (dis)harmony, belonging, and being bodied. In the past, I worked solely in representation, whether employing the human figure, found objects, fairy tales, dreams, or poetry. Recently, my work has become more abstract, social, and experiential, exploring how sound, text, and image can navigate experiences of trauma, systemic inequality, vulnerability, and the construction of power.
moon think be knows / tongue finished did stories, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 18” x 24”
motion painting imagining post-extractivism, 2020, digital photographs of acrylic on canvas in stop motion animation, 24” x 34”