Chance Orion McLaren 


Tint, 2021, digital Illustration, 55.18 x 41.37 inches

Tint, 2021, digital Illustration, 55.18 x 41.37 inches

Anxiety attack, 2021, digital Illustration, 6.69 x 10.24 inches

Anxiety attack, 2021, digital Illustration, 6.69 x 10.24 inches

Falling Simulator, 2021, interactive game, 5GB’s

I make digital illustrations, animations and videogames that exaggerate reality through humor and horror. I blur the line between fiction and life by using dialogue from my personal interactions. Through character design, expressive linework, and distorted atmospheres, I attempt to surround and consume the viewer, and show my own warped perspective of the world. @amoebaskill /