heidi osaki
Mirrors, 2022, woven textile, 27 x 25 inches
A series of self-portraiture, weaving myself in both my dreams and my vulnerabilities into cloth. The digital weaving process lets me gain and relinquish control over my own image. On the computer, I manipulate my face, emphasizing the distortions of tears and sorrow, trapped in mirrors. And also I adorn myself in tears turned to metal, a snapshot of how I might see myself floating in an ethereal, liberated world. I weave these designs, and let myself and my complexities fall into the cloth, my final representation out of my control, memorialized, looking towards something more beautiful.
sweetcyborg, 2022, woven textile, 27 x 39 inches
angeltears (detail shot), 2022, woven textile, 27 x 50 inches
angeltears, 2022, woven textile, 27 x 50 inches