Jianxiang “Yao” Liu
The Closed Amusement Park, 2021, PVC vinyl, ceramic sculpting, acrylic paint, digital photograph, 10 x 7.5 inches
Feeling Loopy, 2021, dimensions variable
The Closed Amusement Park, 2021, PVC vinyl, ceramic sculpting, acrylic paint, digital photograph, 10x7.5 inches
HYDROGEN BEAST H VS. F.R.O.G. BATALLION, 2021, dimensions variable
The future is unknowable, but the past should give us hope. Not everyone has the same past, but this one is mine. This piece is a digital diorama recreating a scene from a show of my childhood, featuring character replicas I sculpted, acting in an environment I created. Dubious in accuracy, it is more memorial than documentary, like most of my work. Memory, while flawed, is the foundation of my present. I strive to use animation, photo editing, and analog sculpting to explore nostalgia through characters and narratives - to see why the past gives me hope. How about you? @dynamiracle11 / yaoliu.crevado.com