jordan hogan
pink box, 2022, mixed media, 24 x 48 inches
pink box, 2022, mixed media, 24 x 48 inches
pink box, 2022, mixed media, 24 x 48 inches
pink box, 2022, mixed media, 24 x 48 inches
In pink box, I explore the archetypes of womanhood from my perspective as a gender non-conforming person. I do so formally through my use of material and color. The piece is a variety of shades of pink in order to highlight the various cultural conceptions of pink relating to womanhood. The work is composed almost entirely of found objects reminiscent of the domestic space, a space culturally delegated to the archetype of woman as housewife. However, the piece appears dirty and messy which directly contrasts a core tenant of the housewife archetype. At its core, this piece explores the tension and absurdity of the archetypes of womanhood I observed growing up.