Malaya Cansdale

BFA, Product Design


Inspired by the feeling of loneliness in a hyperconnected world, I designed a flexible system of structures to invite conversation and support placemaking. Constructed of dimensional lumber, the users can customize the temporary structures to any open space. The modular design expands from a simple base to larger configurations such as pavilions or outdoor markets. Designing to support accessible third spaces, a home-away-from-home, inspires the name, "Make yourself at home." After graduating with a BFA in Product Design and minors in Landscape Architecture and Chinese, I plan to continue my career focusing on urban and inclusive design.

Make Yourself at Home, 2023, digital, variable dimensions

Scenarios.jpg, Example Scenarios, 2023, 3D render, variable dimensions

Jogakbo Sample

2023, handsewn chiffon, variable dimensions

Jogakbo Detail

2023, handsewn chiffon, variable dimensions